Welcome to Mr. Auad's Teacher Page

Hello!  Hope everyone is doing well!  Just wanted to make note about the lessons linked below.  Kindergarten students will know how to complete the writing portion of the writing lessons (by sounding out and writing words and sentences).  TK students can tell their care giver their stories and ideas, and can have help with writing their words.  Help them by sounding out simple, three letter words.  Making sure they pay close attention to the beginning letter sound.  Spelling does not need to be correct, as long as they write the sounds that they hear.
If you did not receive a 'Interactive Math Homework Book' during conferences, they will be available for pickup tomorrow, Thursday, 3/19, between 10:00-12:00.
Please stay well, and I miss you all!
Distance Learning

Hi! My name is Christopher Auad. This will be my 20th year teaching Kindergarten/Transitional Kindergarten at Corvallis Elementary. In fact, I am one of the inaugural TK teachers since the program’s inception. I believe that TK/Kindergarten is one of the most important grades, as it lays a foundation for students to succeed.

Inspired by
I particularly enjoy seeing former students when they come back for a visit, and hearing about the successes they have had. In class, it inspires me to see the joy and engagement of the children when being read their favorite stories.

I received my teaching credential from St. Mary’s College in Moraga.

District Tools I Use

I take attendance using Aeries. You can stay on top of attendance through the Aeries Family Portal or Aeries App

Report Cards
I use Aeries to generate report cards. Families can view report cards through the Aeries Family Portal.




Friday, April 3 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
Happy Friday to all!  I would like to start out by saying what a nice time I had in our ZOOM get together yesterday morning.  It was nice to see everybody, and I especially appreciated the students showing me their work.  I thought that was really cool!  Going forward, I hope to complete a lesson or two during the meeting, but sometimes we will get together just to say hi and read a story.  I know Alan wanted to join us, so we will look forward to seeing him next time.  As always, remember to check your email daily for personal notes and ZOOM meeting invitations.
Today marks the last day of our solid shape lessons (great job identifying and describing the shapes on ZOOM yesterday) where we will focus on the cone.  Next week, our focus will turn to Language Arts lessons, with Monday's lesson a demonstration on how to complete the writing lessons.
I would like to call your attention to something I saw on Mrs. Hynds page.  She has been walking around her neighborhood taking pictures of street signs.  I thought this was pretty cool, and I encourage you to check it out, and try and read the signs.  Also, don't forget, if you have a printer at home, I have linked the math number pages that we would complete in class under my picture.
Wishing you all a nice weekend, and see you next week!
UPDATE:  I am currently having difficulty uploading the solid shape lesson as the website continues to give me an error message.  I will try to upload it again, or rerecord it later, thank you.
-Mr. Auad

Robo-Sauce: written by Adam Rubin, Illustrated by, Daniel Salmieri

I had a special request to read a book about robots by Sumboe, and luckily I has a robot book with me here. At the end of the story, I ask that you draw and label your own robot and write about something that your robot can do. I look forward to seeing what you make!

Math Lesson: Solid Shape-Sphere

Day 3 of the series of lesson on solid shapes. Today we focus on the sphere. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, April 2 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
Today there will only be one video post, the third solid shape lesson, focusing on the sphere.  I will be reading a story during our ZOOM session.  I hope you all can join.  Please check your email for instructions on how to join us.  If you can not make it, don't worry, we will hold another get together early next week.
I sent emails to all families over the last two days to check-in and say hi.  When you have a moment, can you respond and let me know how your child is progressing with the work, and if there is anything I can help you with.
Wishing you a nice Thursday!
-Mr. Auad

Special Afternoon Reminders

Hello Room 16 Families!
If you have not already heard, Corvallis Elementary will be distributing Chromebooks (a small laptop computer) for students in need of a device to access the internet.  The event will be tomorrow, Thursday, April 2, from 2:00-5:00.  The Chromebook will need to be returned at the end of the school year.  Please see the emails from Mr. Dunn-Ruiz for more information.
Also, if you have not already done so, you can also pick up the TK/Kindergarten paper packet that was distributed a few weeks ago.  Now would be a good time to pick up the Interactive Math Homework book if you do not already have a copy.  Please see Mrs. Penaranda's page for a picture of what this book looks like.
Lastly, please don't forget, we will be having a class ZOOM get together tomorrow morning at 10:00.  I will be resending the email with the Meeting ID and Password to enter the get together this evening.  Please join us if you can!
-Mr. Auad

Math Lesson: Solid Shape-Cylinder

Day 2 of the series of lessons on solid shapes. Today we focus on the cylinder. PARENTS, please do not forget to read the daily blog posts that contains important information and updates. The blog posts are always located under the days videos. Thank You!

Friends by Helme Heine

A book about three friends going on an adventure. Something to think about when the story is finished: What other adventures can the friends have? Maybe that can be what you write about today.

Wednesday, April 1 Post

I hope you all enjoyed the new content that was posted on the classroom page yesterday.  Today we will continue with our daily story.  At the end of every story I try to include a writing prompt to help focus students when completing their writing assignments.  In Math, we continue with our lessons on identifying and describing solid shapes.  Today we will focus on the cylinder.  Being able to identify and describe solid shapes is a Kindergarten standard.
Mrs. Penaranda continues to post excellent links on her classroom page.  Yesterday, I called your attention to the Scholastic Learn at Home link.  Today, Mrs. Penaranda has posted a link to a kids yoga program called Yoga for Kids.  It is important to keep moving!
SAVE THE DATE! That's the subject of an email you should have received yesterday.  The class will be having our first class get together on ZOOM this Thursday, April 2 at 10:00 am.  Look for that email where you will find all the details on how to join us.  You will need a meeting ID and password number to enter the chat, so please check your email.  I have also begun to send weekly check-in emails, so please keep a look out for those as well.
Wishing you a nice Wednesday!
-Mr. Auad

Math Lesson: Solid Shape-Cube

In this lesson we practice identifying and describing the four basic shapes. We then move on to learning about solid shapes, specifically the CUBE. At the end of the video, there are a couple of lessons you can complete at home to reinforce what we have learned. Students, remember to ask for care givers help when looking for cubes around your home.

Letter Identification and Letter Sound Practice

View this video daily for letter identification and letter sound practice.

The Duckling Gets a Cookie!? by Mo Willems

I hope you enjoy the story! At the end of the video I have asked a few questions to help you get started with your writing assignment. I am excited to see what YOU like to eat!

Tuesday, March 31 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
Happy Tuesday and welcome back to another week of distance learning.  Today, I am excited because I have MANY announcements to share with you.  First, I have 3 new video posts for you and your child to watch today.  Let us review each one:
1. Story Time-Today's story is, "The Duckling Gets a Cookie!?" by Mo Willems.  Do not forget to try and and answer the questions throughout the story.
2. Letter/Sound Identification-This video can be viewed anytime for letter and sound identification practice.
3. Math Lesson-This week we are going to learn about solid shapes.  Today we will start with the cube and also review the basic shapes.
As the video posts increase, it may become hard to keep track of them all.  There may be a certain story, or lesson you may want to go back and revisit.  Here is a helpful tip to always find the video you are looking for.  All the video posts are saved under the video tag in the black box under my picture.  After clicking on the video section, you can use the search bar to search for specific videos by typing in key words.
Another lesson I want to call your attention to, is a new link I posted under my picture titled, "Number Pages."  If you have access to a printer, these worksheets can be printed for your child to complete.  In class, we would complete these number pages once a week.  I emphasize to the students to write and cut neatly.  To extend the lesson, you can do a few rounds of box game and then transition into the number page.  The last page we did in class was number 15, but you may work on any number.
I also highly recommend you check out Mrs. Penaranda's page today.  She has posted an excellent link to the, "Scholastic Learning at Home" site.  This is definitely something I would look into, as the lessons are displayed in a daily format that is easy to understand.
Lastly, I saved the most exciting news for last.  Save the date, we are going to try a class ZOOM meeting this Thursday, April 2 at 10:00 (tentatively).  Parents check your emails for a meeting ID and password in the upcoming days.  We may even have a special guess going us!  ZOOM is an app that can be downloaded to your phone or computer.
I hope you all have a nice Tuesday and enjoy all the new content.  Remember, I may be calling or emailing you to say hi, and check in and see how everything is going!
-Mr. Auad

Please, Mr. Panda by Steve Antony

I hope you enjoy the story! Today's writing prompt is: What is something you would like to ask for? Make sure to say 'please' in your writing. You can draw a picture and label that picture. Try to stretch out the words you are trying to write, and hear the beginning, middle and ending sounds. Parents, if you have the time, I would love to see picture!

Friday, March 27 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
Happy Friday to you all, we have made it through another week of distance learning. A couple of news items:  This upcoming Monday we observe Cesar Chavez Day.  I am not sure if I will be posting on this day, so please keep that in mind.  Also, remember to check out my fellow Kindergarten teachers' classroom pages for more activities.  And as always, a big thank you to all who have subscribed to the Room 16 classroom page!
I wanted to let you know what I have planned for next week.  As I have become increasingly comfortable making video posts, I plan to start posting two videos a day.  One post will be a story, and the second post will be a lesson.  For next week lessons, the class is going to learn about solid shapes (cube, cone, sphere, cylinder).  Being able to identify and describe these shapes is a Kindergarten standard (and the TK's can learn too).  I will also be attempting to host a ZOOM get together later in the week, just to say hi and read a story.  Look for a meeting number and password in your email in the upcoming days.
I hope you all have a nice weekend, stay safe, and I miss you all!
-Mr. Auad

Guess That Word Mini-Lesson

I wanted to share this lessons that we do in class, as the students really enjoy it. I have included the directions on how to complete it in the video. I hope you enjoy!