Friday, April 3 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
Happy Friday to all!  I would like to start out by saying what a nice time I had in our ZOOM get together yesterday morning.  It was nice to see everybody, and I especially appreciated the students showing me their work.  I thought that was really cool!  Going forward, I hope to complete a lesson or two during the meeting, but sometimes we will get together just to say hi and read a story.  I know Alan wanted to join us, so we will look forward to seeing him next time.  As always, remember to check your email daily for personal notes and ZOOM meeting invitations.
Today marks the last day of our solid shape lessons (great job identifying and describing the shapes on ZOOM yesterday) where we will focus on the cone.  Next week, our focus will turn to Language Arts lessons, with Monday's lesson a demonstration on how to complete the writing lessons.
I would like to call your attention to something I saw on Mrs. Hynds page.  She has been walking around her neighborhood taking pictures of street signs.  I thought this was pretty cool, and I encourage you to check it out, and try and read the signs.  Also, don't forget, if you have a printer at home, I have linked the math number pages that we would complete in class under my picture.
Wishing you all a nice weekend, and see you next week!
UPDATE:  I am currently having difficulty uploading the solid shape lesson as the website continues to give me an error message.  I will try to upload it again, or rerecord it later, thank you.
-Mr. Auad