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Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me by Eric Carle
After listening to the story, maybe you can write about something that you do at night, and don't forget to draw a picture of the moon! Hope you enjoy, and thanks for watching!
Uploaded Apr 08, 2020 by Chris Auad - 3:04 Ten Frame Card Game - April 1st Uploaded Apr 01, 2020
Second Step Lesson-Handling Having Things Taken Away-Part 1
Join me as we discuss a problem two students are having. Paulo and Caleb both want to play with the same ball, and Caleb takes the ball from Paulo. Oh no! Part 1 of our lesson demonstrates how Paulo calms down before thinking of a solution to his problem. Thanks for watching!
Uploaded May 28, 2020 by Chris Auad - 4:19 THE EASTER BUNNY'S ASSISTANT by Jan Thomas - April 5th Uploaded Apr 05, 2020
- 6:42 THE THREE BILLY GOATS FLUFF by Rachael Mortimer Uploaded Mar 28, 2020
Dinosaur Lesson-Elasmosaurs
Join me as we learn about the Elasmosaurus. What did it eat, and where did it live? Those are just a couple facts we learn about in this video. I hope you enjoy, and don't forget to watch part two to learn how to draw the Elasmosaurus. Thank You!
Uploaded May 18, 2020 by Chris Auad -
Road Builders Written by: B.G. Hennessy, Illustrated by: Simms Taback
I really enjoyed how this book described all the different type of trucks it takes to build a road. You may want to watch the story a couple times to remember all the information the book is telling you. Your writing prompt today is: Please write about what would you like to be when you grow up, and don't forget to tell me why this job is interesting to you. Take your time, and do not forget to draw your picture.
Uploaded Apr 10, 2020 by Chris Auad -
The Pigeon Needs a Bath!
Do you think the Pigeon Needs a Bath! I would love to see what you think! Hope you enjoy the story, and thanks for watching!
Uploaded Apr 06, 2020 by Chris Auad -
The Very Clumsy Click Beetle by Eric Carle
A click beetle is learning to jump and land on his feet, but he is having a very difficult time accomplishing this. Watch and listen to see if the click people can finally make it back to his feet. Please watch to the end for the writing prompt. I do not want to write it here as it will spoil the story! Enjoy!
Uploaded Apr 28, 2020 by Chris Auad -
I'll Wait, Mr. Panda by Steve Antony
Another Mr. Panda story! I wonder what all the characters are waiting for Mr. Panda to make? Watch and listen to find out. Your writing prompt today is: What is something that you have to wait for? Is waiting for something hard or easy to do? I give some ideas at the end of the story. Hope you enjoy!
Uploaded Apr 20, 2020 by Chris Auad