Chris Auad » Posts


Tuesday, May 5 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
I hope you all have received my Zoom invitation for our meeting on Wednesday, May 6 at 10:00 am.  I will be opening the waiting room 15 minutes early to give you time to login and get settled.  I have also attached the login instructions with the email.
I encourage you to join our Google classroom.  It is a great recourse as I have organized all the videos into topics that can be rewatched.  I have also organized all the resources that I have been posting since the start of distance learning, and included a few new ones.  To join, see the directions in yesterdays' post.
I have a special link today discovered by Mrs. Penaranda. A science link to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  It is a 6 day unit of study titled, "Is it Alive?".  I encourage you to check it out!
Two video posts today.  First, our second lesson on plural words.  I apologize for the audio quality, as I had a little difficulty with filming this video.  The second video, is a story I really enjoy called "Mr. Tiger Goes Wild" by Peter Brown.  I hope you enjoy it!
Today's Goals
1. watch the lesson on plural words (sorry for the audio quality)
2. watch and listen to the new story
3. complete the writing prompt after watching the story
4. check out the Monterey Bay Aquarium link
5. spend some time on the Raz-Kids reading program
6. Spend some time on the Happy Numbers math program
7. join the Google classroom and watch a favorite video
Wishing you all a nice day!
-Mr. Auad

Plural Words Lesson #2

Join me for our next lesson on plural words. My apologies for the poor audio quality in this video, I had a little difficulty making this video. Watch and listen to see how to make a word plural, and what that means. Maybe you can write a plural word in your writing lesson today. Enjoy!

Mr. Tiger Goes Wild by Peter Brown

Mr Tiger is feeling bored and wats to have more fun. So he decides to go wild! Uh oh, will his friends like this? Watch and listen to see how Mr. Tiger goes wild, and what his friends think of him. For your writing today: When have you been bored, and what did you do to stop being bored? Did you go wild? Write about what you did to stop being bored. Have fun!

Monday, May 4 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
Welcome back from the weekend, and happy Monday!  I am happy to announce the Room 16 Google Classroom is now open.  I have used the site to organize the almost 40 videos I have made, they are now organized by topic.  I have also gathered all the resources (links) to websites that you might find helpful, and continue to add more.  You will also find, never published, bonus videos on the Google classroom site.  Under the SLZUSD story time topic, you will find Ms. Fleur reading you different stories.  The Google classroom will also allow me to make longer videos that I can not always post on the classroom page.  I do want you to know, I will still post the daily blog and videos on the classroom page.  I have attached a link with directions on how to join the Google classroom, and have invited all the students.  Once you enter the classroom, you will see a welcome message from me.  Then, click on the 'Classwork' tab at the top of the page.  From there, you will be forwarded to a page that lists all the topics on the left hand side of the page.  You can browse the videos and watch favorite ones again!  You will always see the latest updates on the front page.  Please remember, I am constantly adding old and new videos, this is a work in progress.  You can always see the latest video I uploaded under my front page welcome message.  I hope you can check it out!
This week, we are going to begin with a couple of lessons on the concept of plural words.  Today's video will explain what a plural word is, and show a few examples.  Today's story is the second part of a story I read you in one of our previous Zoom meetings, "The Adventures of Cow Too".  It is a silly story and I hope you enjoy it!
I will be sending out the Zoom invitation for our next meeting, Wednesday, May 6 either later today or tomorrow, so please check your email for that.
Today's Goals
1. watch the video on plural words
2. watch the new story video
3. complete the writing prompt described at the end of the story.  Try using a plural word in your writing
4. spend some time on the Raz-Kids reading program
5. spend some time on the Happy Numbers math program
6. join the Google Classroom and rewatch one of your favorite videos
7. complete a couple exercises on the Go Noodle site.
Thank you, and wishing you all a nice day!
-Mr. Auad

Plural Words Lesson #1

Watch and listen as we learn what a plural word is. I show a few examples of plural words. Can you make a word into a plural word, and what does a plural word mean? Come back tomorrow for another lessons. Thanks for watching!

Adventures of Cow Too by Cow

Let us find out what other adventures Cow has. This time he needs to go to the supermarket and get food for his family. Oh no, I hope he does not get confused! Watch to find out what happens. Your writing prompt today is: What other adventures can cow have, use your imagination. Try to write a plural word when completing your lesson. Have fun!

Friday, May 1 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
Happy Friday to all!  A reminder the our classroom Zoom meeting is this morning at 10:00.  Please check your email for the meeting ID, Password, and tips on a successful logging.  I will try to open the meeting room 15 minutes early to give families time to login and get settled.
I hope you all have had a chance to check out the Happy Numbers Math program website.  I will continue to try and find more resources that I think will benefit the students.  Please let me know how your child is enjoying the Math program.
On Monday I will be announcing how to join our Google classroom.  The Google classroom will be used to store and organize the over 35 videos I have made and posted since the start of distance learning.  It will also serve as a great place to organize all of the resources I have provided in an easy to use format.  I look forward to telling you all about it on Monday.
Two special videos today.  In class we use to complete a weekly lesson called, "Second Step".  This is an emotional support program that the students enjoyed.  It includes understanding feelings, calming down strategies, and problem solving through role play.  The first lesson is two parts, continuing where we left off from school.  I would like to post one of these lessons every Friday.  No story post today, as I will be reading a story during our Zoom meeting.
Today's Goals
1. attend our Zoom meeting
2. watch the Second Step lesson
3. ask your family how you can help them out (clean your room, etc...)
4. spend some time with the Raz-Kids reading program
5. spend some time with the Happy Numbers math program
6. exercise with the Go Noodle program
Wishing you all a nice weekend!
-Mr. Auad

Second Step Lesson Part 2-Problem Solving Strategies

Join me as we meet Jevonn and see how he solves the problem of not having a reading partner. Does he get frustrated and upset? Let us see what strategies he uses to solve his problems. Thanks for watching!

Second Step Part 1-Calming Down Techniques

Join Puppy and Snail as they review how to calm down when you are having a strong feeling. Practice breathing and quiet counting. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 30 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
I am very excited to announce a new Math program that I would encourage students to try.  This program was discovered by Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. Penaranda.  It is called Happy Numbers.  You will be receiving an email on how to log in and start the program.  I have it all set up for you.  The first time your child logs in, they are going to take a 20 question assessment test to gauge where they should begin the program.  The program will provide interactive math activities that will keep students engaged.  I hope you try the Happy Numbers Math program.
Also, please do not forget the link I added this week (under my picture).  If you have access to a printer, you can print out sight word color and cut worksheet practice.  These are worksheets we would complete in class that students should be familiar with.
Two video posts today.  The last rhyming practice video (along with the picture I post to practice independently) and a new story!  Today's story is, "The Very Clumsy Click Beetle" by Eric Carle.  I have included a writing prompt at the end of the video.
Parents, you will be receiving an email today inviting you to our next Zoom meeting this Friday, May 1 at 10:00.  I will also be sending an email about a few tips that might make log in easier.  I read all your emails yesterday, and will try to share what I have learned.
Today's Goals
1. watch the story video
2. complete the writing prompt, writing as many sentences as you can
3. spend some time on the Raz-Kids reading program
4. try the Happy Numbers program
5. watch and listen to the "Rhyming Lesson #3" video
6. complete the rhyming photograph I posted
7. exercise with the Go Noodle program linked in yesterday's post
Wishing you all a nice day!
-Mr. Auad

Rhyming Lesson #3

Let's practice our rhyming skills! This is our last rhyming lesson that you can complete with me. Remember, to say the rhyming words with your voice so you can hear the sounds. After watching the video, please complete the rhyming word picture cards photograph posted under this video. Thanks for watching!