Wednesday, May 20 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
If you are reading this before 10:00 am, I hope you can join us for our classroom Zoom meeting today.  Please check your email for the Zoom invitation.  We will be reviewing the dinosaur facts that we have learned and play, 'What Picture is Next'.
Today is our last dinosaur lesson, where we focus on maybe the most popular dinosaur, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.  I hope the students have enjoyed these videos! 
No story today, as I will be reading a story during our Zoom get together.  I do encourage you to check out the SLZUSD Story Time topic in our Google Classroom.  I recently uploaded 4 new stories under that topic.
I have a special link today that goes with the theme of our Wednesday morning Corvallis Assembly.  Please see link to join the assembly above.  The theme of our assembly is Disney, and I have included a link to the nightly Disney World fireworks display that I thought the students might enjoy!
Today's Goals
1. attend the classroom Zoom meeting
2. watch a SLZUSD Story Time story in the Google Classroom, maybe post a comment on your favorite story
3. spend some time on the Happy Numbers math program.  it is recommend that you spend 45 minutes a week on this program
4. spend some time on the Raz-Kids reading program
5. complete an exercise on the Go Noodle site
Wishing you all a nice day!
-Mr. Auad