Tuesday, May 19 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
Please check your email today, as you will be receiving an email with the information for our next Room 16 classroom Zoom meeting.  It is scheduled for this upcoming Wednesday, May 20 at 10:00 am.  I hope you all can join us tomorrow!
Another three videos today!  We have two more dinosaur lessons left in our dinosaur unit.  Today we are focusing on the Elasmosaurus, a swimming dinosaur.  A new story today, 'I Want to Be a Ballerina' by Anna Membrino and Smiljana Coh.  Please watch the the end for the writing prompt.
Today's Goals
1. watch the Elasmosaurus video, and learn interesting facts.
2. draw the Elasmosaurus, make sure to draw it big
3. watch the story and complete the writing prompt
4. spend time with the Raz-Kids reading program, don't forget to raise the book difficulty level if you feel it's appropriate
5. spend time with the Happy Numbers math program, or complete a couple pages in your 'Interactive Math Book'
6. complete an exercise on the Go Noodle program
Have a nice day!
Mr. Auad