Friday, May 15 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
Happy Friday to all!  If you are reading this before 10:00 am, I hope you can join our classroom Zoom meeting.  Please check your email for all the information, and let's hope for less technical problems than last time!
It is Friday, so I have uploaded our weekly Second Step lesson.  This lesson is entailed, "Inviting Others to Play".  We will problem solve how to invite a new student to play.  These are important skills to learn, as the students move into new classrooms next year.
Make sure to check back on Monday for our next dinosaur lesson and story (I will be reading our last Donald Crews story during our Zoom session).  I have seen some great drawings of dinosaurs from the students so far, thanks for sending them to me!
Today's Goals
1. attend the Zoom get together
2. watch the Second Step video and ask a family member how you can help them today
3. free write, write about anything you want today, have fun
4. spend some time on the Raz-Kids reading program (remember, you can make the leveled books more difficult)
5. spend some time on the Happy Noodle math program
6. watch a story under the SLZUSD Story Time topic in the Google classroom
7. spend some time off the computer and play!
Wishing you all a nice weekend, and see you back here Monday!
-Mr. Auad