Wednesday, May 13 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
Usually around this time of the year, the class would be engaged in a dinosaur unit.  I thought I could try my best to replicate that unit with the daily video posts.  Over the next 5 days, I will introduce to the students different types of dinosaurs.  We will focus on one dinosaur each day, learning interesting facts, and how to draw the dinosaur.  Today we start with the Brontosaurus.  I hope you and your child has fun with these lessons, and finds them interesting.
Two videos today, one video describing the Brontosaurus, and the other video showing you how to draw the dinosaur.
No story video post today, as I will be reading the next book in our Donald Crews series during our classroom Zoom meeting.  I encourage you to check out the SLZUSD story time topic in the Google classroom for a read aloud story.  Maybe leave a comment if you like.  Directions on how to join the Google Classroom our in the May 4 post.
A reminder that I sent an email with the information to join our Zoom meeting this morning at 10:00.  Hope you can join us!  We will be reading a story, and playing 'What Picture is Next'.
Today's Goals
1. attend the classroom Zoom meeting
2. watch the video and learn about the Brontosaurus
3. watch the 'How to Draw' video, and practice drawing the Brontosaurus
4. watch a story in the SLZUSD story time topic in the Google classroom
5. spend some time with Happy Numbers
6. spend some time with the Raz-Kids reading program
7. complete an exercise in the Go Noodle program
Wishing you all a nice day!
-Mr Auad