Friday, May 8 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
Happy Friday to all!  If you are reading this before 10:00 am, I hope to see you at our Friday Zoom get together.  Please check your email for the invitation I sent yesterday.
It's Friday, so that means today's video will be the next lesson in our Second Step series.  We are going to continue where we left off last week, with problem solving skills and strategies.  We look at another difficult situation, and role play a solution.  As the Kindergarteners enter First Grade, these skills will become useful as they enter a larger school environment.  If you missed the first two Second Step lessons, they are located in the Room 16 Google Classroom.  I will be reading our next Donald Crews story during our Zoom Meeting.
I am including a link today that I discussed way back at the beginning of distance learning.  I wanted to call your attention to it again.  It is the Jack Hartmann Youtube channel.  I will also post the link in the Google Classroom (under the resource topic), where if you have not joined, I encourage it!
We will continue with our pattern lessons on Monday.
Today's Goals 
1. attend our classroom Zoom meeting
2. watch the Second Step video, and ask your parents something you can do to help them this weekend.
3. practice drawing a pattern on a piece of paper (demonstrated on our Zoom meeting)
4. watch a video or two on the Jack Hartmann Youtube channel
5. spend some time with the Raz-Kids reading program
6. spend some time with the Happy Numbers math program
7. Wish your Mom a Happy Mother's Day!!
Wishing you all a nice weekend! 
-Mr. Auad