Thursday, May 7 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
I hope you are all doing well!  A big thank you to all the families for helping your child with their work at home.  I know it is not always easy, and I really appreciate it!
Two videos today.  We start a series of lessons on identifying and making patterns.  Our first pattern today, is an easy AB pattern.  After watching the video, maybe you can make your own AB pattern at home.  Our next video is the story, "Curious George Plays Baseball" by Margret and H.A.Reyes.  For your writing prompt today, I would like you to tell me your favorite sport and why.
Please check your email later today for our next Zoom meeting invitation.  I was very encouraged with how many families were able to log in, and look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!  
I also encourage families to join the Room 16 Google classroom.  We had a few more families join yesterday.  The Google classroom will give you access to over 50 videos and resources, along with videos that have not been posted before.  I suggest checking out the SLZUSD Story Time Topic, where you can watch and listen to stories read my another school district teacher.  After watching, there are questions that can be discussed in the description box of the video.  You can leave a comment and tell me which story or lesson is your favorite.
Today's Goals
1. Watch the Patter Lesson #1 video, and make your own pattern at home
2. Watch the story and think about and discuss the questions I ask
3. Complete the writing lesson that after watching the story
4. Spend some time with the Raz-Kids reading program, remember your reading strategies
5. Spend some time with the Happy Numbers math program
6. Continue with the Monterey Bay Aquarium or Oakland Zoo Science Lessons
7. Make sure to complete a couple exercise activities with the Go Noodle program.
Wishing you all a nice day!
-Mr. Auad