Tuesday, April 28 Post

Hello Room 16 Student and Families!
You all should have received an email yesterday with the day and time of our next ZOOM meeting, please be sure to check out the attachment I included with the School District's directions on how to join a ZOOM meeting.  I will once again open the ZOOM meeting early to give you time to log in and get settled.
I have added a new link under my picture titled, Sight Words-Cut and Glue.  These are worksheets you may print out if you wish.  The students are familiar with these as we had been completing them in class.  Students are to color (neatly) the letters in the word first.  Next, cut out each letter carefully.  Lastly, glue the letters in the correct order to make the word on a separate piece of paper, and read the word.  This lesson will also encourage important fine motor skills practice.
Two video posts today.  We continue our focus on rhyming this week with our second lesson.  Please be sure to practice on your own with the posted photograph of rhyming picture cards located under the video lesson.  Our story today is a silly story about eating worms for lunch!  In your daily writing assignment, maybe you can tell me what you would like to eat for lunch and why. 
Today's Goals
1. watch and listen to the rhyming video
2. match the rhyming picture cards posted in the photograph
3. watch and listen to the story
4. write about what you would like to eat for lunch and why you would like to eat that
5. spend some time on the Raz-Kids reading program
6. practice writing numbers 1-30
7. make sure to get some exercise
Have a nice day!
-Mr. Auad