Monday, April 27 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
Happy Monday, I hope you all had a nice weekend.  Thank You to all who tried to join our ZOOM meeting last Friday.  I know it can be frustrating, but we will try again this Wednesday.  Look for the invitation email this afternoon.  In the invitation email, I will attach the directions the school district provided me.  In the directions, it describes how to join if you are using a Chrome book, laptop, or phone.  Hopefully this will help, and I will pass on any new information that I hear about.  
Two video posts today.  For the beginning of this week, we will focus on reviewing and improving our rhyming skills.  Being able to identify and create rhyming words is a TK standard, and an important skill to master.  I recommend watching the video, and then completing the short lesson afterwards.  The second video is our daily story.  Please try to complete the writing prompt discussed at the end.
Remember, if you ever have any questions please feel free to email me at anytime.  I will try my best to get back to you quickly.
Today's Goals
1. Watch and listen to the rhyming video.
2. Complete the rhyming lesson that follows.
3. Watch and listen to the story.
4. Complete the writing prompt.  Challenging yourself to write as many sentences as you can.
5. Spend some time on the RAZ-KIDS reading program.
6. Practice counting to 100 by ones and tens.
7. Draw a picture of yourself.  Do not forget all the parts of your face; eyes, nose, ears, mouth and hair.
Have a nice day!
-Mr. Auad