Wednesday, April 8 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
Depending on when you read this, I look forward too, or had a nice time, seeing you during our ZOOM get together today!  I will be hosting another ZOOM meeting this upcoming Friday, April 10 at 10:00 am.  Please check your email for the ZOOM meeting ID and Password you will need to enter this meeting.  Hope you can join us!
Two video posts again today.  There is no story, as I will be reading a story during our ZOOM session.  The "What Picture is Next" lesson is going to connect with the lesson we completed today during our ZOOM meeting.  You can also watch the third part of our Writers Workshop lessons where I demonstrate how to add pages to your story.
A reminder that TK/Kindergarten students are expected to do 1 hour of work a day, but can do more if they want!
Wishing you a nice Wednesday!
-Mr. Auad