Monday, April 6 Post

Hello Room 16 Students and Families!
It's Monday, and welcome back!  I have two video posts for you today.  A Pigeon story by Mo Willems and the first part of a series of lessons on how to complete Writers Workshop.  Lately, I have begun to have difficulty uploading the videos, where it has taken me numerous tries (and time) to upload 1 video.  I am trying to find a way around this.  Right now I am trying to make shorter videos, and break them into parts.  I will continue to look for ways to post the videos successfully.
Check your emails today for the invitation to the next ZOOM meeting this upcoming Wednesday, April 8 at 10:00!  We had a great turnout for our first meeting!  At this class get together, I am hoping to read a story and teach a quick lesson.
I recommend checking out two different classroom pages today.  Mrs. Stevenson (school librarian) has posted links too many read aloud stories I believe the students will enjoy.  To find her classroom page, go to the staff directory page, scroll to the bottom, and click on Mrs. Stevenson.  I would also recommend looking at Mrs. Hynds' classroom page today, as she has a few worksheets that can be downloaded and printed out.
Wishing you a nice Monday!
-Mr. Auad