Friday, March 20 Post

Hello Room 16, and happy Friday!
In today's post I will be sharing a mini-lesson that you can complete at home, and explaining our new routine.
The mini lesson is called 'Daily Message'.  The students have done this lesson in class and I demonstrated it at Back To School Night.  In fact, I will be demonstrating many of those quick mini lessons I shared at Back To School night over the next few weeks.  So here we go:
Daily Message:
1. Write 2 or 3 sentences on a piece of paper.  Try to make the sentences simple, so the students can try to read them independently. For example:
Today is Friday.
I see the sun and clouds.
Do you like it hot or cold?
2.  After reading the sentences, ask children to circle certain letters, words, and sounds with a pencil or marker.  For example:
Circle a lower case 'h'
Circle the letter that makes the 's' sounds (please make the 's' sound)
Circle the word 'it'
Circle the period, and tell me what a period tells you to do.
Point to the spaces between the words.
Count the words in the second sentence
How many letters are in the word 'Today'
These are just a few examples of questions you can ask.  Please feel free to adapt this in anyway.  Make the sentences and questions harder if you would like.
Now on to some news.  I sent a check-in email to half the class yesterday.  If you have not received your check-in email, look for it this morning.  I appreciate all who have responded, and the nice things you have had to say!  It means a lot to me!  Please, if you have not done so already, click the subscribe button under my picture.  I have been told that if you do, you will be automatically notified when I post something new. 
As we get used to this new routine, my goal is to post a new message each morning, even if it is just to say hi!  You can also be flexible with the daily schedule posted in the distance learning link.  If you see your child becoming not interested, change up the schedule.  I always ask them to try their best, but lessons do not need to be perfect.
Wishing you all a nice weekend, stay safe, and miss you all!
P.S. Please return on Monday, I have an exciting link to share that I think the students will enjoy!
Mr. Auad