3/19/2020 post

Hi Room 16 Families and Students!
Hope you all are doing well.  I just wanted to take  moment to check in.  If you have not accessed the distance learning lessons, there is a link above to print out the daily schedule and materials for the first few weeks.  The school will also be open today, Thursday, 3/19, between 10:00 and 12:00, if you feel the need to pick up any of these items.  Please see the note I included on top of this page for some helpful tips on how to complete the writing lessons.
I ask if you are visiting this classroom page to please click the 'subscribe' button under my picture.  It will automatically let you know when I post updates.  I will be posting small activities that you can complete with your child throughout the weeks we are not in school.
Lastly, I will be reaching out by email to check on everyone in the next few days.  Please look for an email that contains my school email address.  In the subject line I will write, 'This is Mr. Auad', so you know it is from me.  I will be using the email you provided to school when you registered, you may receive multiple emails if you registered multiple email addresses (I'll try to pick the one you use most frequently).  Please respond to the email so I know that this is an email you use, and a way I can make contact with you.
Thanks again, stay safe, and miss you all!