Spring Break Friday 4/12 is a 12:45PM release day. There will be no school the week of 4/15-4/19 for Spring Break. Enjoy your week! School will resume Monday 4/22.
Early Release Days The week of 2/25-3/1 will be 1:30 dismissal days for assessments. Please see your child's teacher for your assessment schedule.
Corvallis SSC Meeting - Friday 1/25 @ 8:45 Please join us for the Corvallis School Site Council (SSC) meeting on Friday, January 25th at 8:45.
Winter Break Friday 12/21 is a 12:45 dismissal day. There will be no school 12/24-1/4. School will resume Monday, January 7th. Enjoy your break!
Winter Concert Our Winter Concert will take place Tuesday, December 18th at 9:00AM, and Wednesday, December 19th at 6:00PM. Come support our students!